Anton Hofer, Un misterioso cactus a forma di tubero: Rapicactus mandragora (Frič ex A.Berger) Buxb. & Oehme – Piante Grasse 42:2 (2022)

The paper offers an in-depth overview of Rapicactus mandragora, a species with an intricate history and nomenclature. After a survey of the botanists who looked into this taxon, the author designates a neotype, and then recounts his own visits to the habitat of R. mandragora, which enabled him to assess the conservation status of the species. A few notes on the cultivation of this succulent are provided as well.

Piante Grasse

Piante Grasse, la rivista italiana dedicata agli appassionati, ai collezionisti ed esperti di cactus ed altre piante succulente. Pubblicazione periodica a cura dell'AIAS (Associazione Italiana degli Amatori delle piante Succulente), dal 1980.

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